Npm module working different on Galaxy vs localhost

I have a form where I want the user to be able to specify a custom formula and then have this formula calculated.

I am using the npm module expressions-parser/func to achieve this in a Blaze helper like this:

    const mkFunc = require('expression-parser/func');
    const fn = mkFunc(this.rowArgs.row.formula);
    let rv = this.rowArgs.formData.get();
    console.log(rv, fn, fn(rv));
    const value = fn(rv);
    return round(value, 3);

This works really well for even complex functions when I test this on local development.

My debug console messages return on localhost for an input formula that is simply Number

Object {Number: "123"}
function anonymous(symbols/*``*/) {
    symbols = symbols || {};                                                                                           // 80
    return (symbols["Number"]);

Doing the same once deployed onto Galaxy I get instead:

Object {Number: "123"}
function anonymous(symbols/*``*/) {}

I have no idea how to even start debugging this.

I’m using Meteor

My packages:

accounts-base          1.2.14* A user account system
accounts-password      1.3.4* Password support for accounts
aldeed:autoform        5.8.1* Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and automatic reactive validation.
aldeed:collection2     2.10.0  Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
blaze-html-templates   1.1.0* Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze
ecmascript             0.6.3* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
email                  1.1.18* Send email messages
es5-shim               4.6.15  Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
fourseven:scss         3.13.0* Style with attitude. Sass and SCSS support for Meteor.js.
jquery                 1.11.10  Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
kadira:blaze-layout    2.3.0  Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with FlowRouter)
kadira:flow-router     2.12.1  Carefully Designed Client Side Router for Meteor
less                   2.7.9  Leaner CSS language
mdg:validated-method   1.1.0  A simple wrapper for Meteor.methods
meteor-base            1.0.4  Packages that every Meteor app needs
meteortoys:allthings   3.0.0  Insanely Handy Development Tools
mobile-experience      1.0.4  Packages for a great mobile user experience
mongo                  1.1.15* Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
percolate:migrations   0.9.8  Define and run db migrations.
practicalmeteor:mocha  2.4.5_6  Write package tests with mocha and run them in the browser or from the command line with spacejam.
reactive-dict          1.1.8  Reactive dictionary
reactive-var           1.0.11  Reactive variable
sacha:spin             2.3.1  Simple spinner package for Meteor
session                1.1.7  Session variable
shell-server           0.2.2* Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
standard-minifier-css  1.3.4  Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js   1.2.3* Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.
supermongol            2.0.0+
tracker                1.1.2  Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks
twbs:bootstrap         3.3.6  The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

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