NPM Packages Minus Polyfills ===

Here are the claims that got my attention:

@pika/web • Run npm dependencies directly in the browser. No Browserify, Webpack or import maps required.

…and also:

Differential Serving

68.93% of global users can run modern JavaScript (ES2019) without a single polyfill or Babel plugin. Unfortunately, sites need to compile their deployed code to support legacy browsers. This adds slow polyfills and transpiler bloat for everyone.

Stop penalizing your users. The Pika CDN optimizes packages to each individual user. Older browsers get the polyfills they need while modern browsers get modern, bloat-free code and faster overall load times.

I guess this would work with Meteor – import statements could just reference the pika url for the package, rather than the node_modules folder.

Does this look like it might be worth trying out?