September 4, 2020, 11:02am
Hello friends.
Is there a mobile authentication package?
Of course, the package is up to date, not old
In fact, my goal is for users to be able to log in with their email, mobile number and username.
I need to confirm the mobile number by sending an SMS.
And I need email for marketing and advertising.
And people’s usernames are used to display their profiles
Like : for show user profile.
> In short, I want the user to register with a mobile number.
> And can login with username, email and mobile number
Please share if you have any experiences or suggestions
I invite from:
@filipenevola @storyteller @stolinski @captainn @robfallows @alawi @coagmano @jkuester
And other dear friends
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I would start working with the normal accounts packages. So first let the user register just by username.
Then I would see the phone number with verification as an additional field in the user document. Phone is then a two factor authentication method.
There are some existing solutions to this:
opened 04:41PM - 01 Dec 17 UTC
Project:Accounts (in user apps)
Adding 2FA into Accounts would be a great thing.
We've currently patched in o… ur own version of [dburles:two-factor]( from @dburles with SMS and OTP support, but I think it could be extended into e-mail as well. The feature requires some work. I've put in the most important one, allowing `Accounts.resetPassword` to not log the user in immediately, as another feature request as it's something that I think should be done sooner than later.
I'd be interested in starting a PR for `accounts-password-2fa` if @dburles is fine with this, contributing the stuff we've patched in for SMS and OTP (it needs some cleaning up). Making the system a drop-in thing with an easy validator that you can use for Twilio / Nexmo, along with built-in TOTP and e-mail support would be something to do first.
Doing this as an official package with recommendations in the Guide would be the best to position the Accounts system as something secure and ready to go to production.
I can iterate more on my thoughts on how it should function if there's interest and you lot think this is a good idea in the first place.
There does not seem to be a fully finished solution but the use of GitHub - dburles/meteor-two-factor: 🔐 Two factor authentication package for accounts-password package seems to make it quite doable. It might be interesting to create a new updated version of such open source package.
For your project this package may be relevant:
It shows you how you can connect multiple social accounts to a single user.
September 5, 2020, 7:12am
Does anyone else have experience in this field?
September 5, 2020, 9:14am
I understand your ask, but as far as I know, it doesn’t exist yet. I think a package that encapsulates this logic would be a wonderful addition to the ecosystem!
September 5, 2020, 7:05pm
Do you think I can implement this system by combining meteor account and my own code?
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September 6, 2020, 1:21am
Yes and you can publish a package
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Also check: maybe that’s a relevant solution. I am not fully aware of far it’s development is currently.
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