Official Router Package for Blaze Templates in Meteor

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a Meteor project using Blaze templates, and we’ve been using Iron Router. However, since Iron Router relies on Fibers, it’s no longer a viable option for us moving forward.

I’m aware that forking and maintaining the package on our own might be a solution, but I wanted to ask if there’s an official alternative or any recommended router for handling routing in Blaze template-based projects.

Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

The best option so far, maintained: ostrio:flow-router-extra - Packosphere.
But even the old FlowRouter works seamlessly, with some tiny modifications of package.js so it’s up to date with Meteor.js: GitHub - kadirahq/flow-router: Carefully Designed Client Side Router for Meteor

For either of them, you will need a Layout Manager, with this one being maintained and compatible with Meteor 3: GitHub - trychlos/pwix-blaze-layout: Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with Meteor FlowRouter)

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I use :

This is working perfectly (I migrated from a few months ago)


Since Iron Router is no longer viable, you might want to check out Flow Router. It’s a solid alternative for Blaze templates and is still actively used in the Meteor community. If you need something more modern, you could also consider migrating to React-based routing, but that depends on how much you want to change your stack.