Old meteor app in new Windows 11 laptop

Hi there.
I have this old meteor app. I don’t want to upgrade it to the new meteor version. I just need to check it out to see how some functionality is implemented and, maybe, do some adjustments if necessary. The meteor version it uses is 2.7.1.

Now, I have the meteor app files in a folder in a Windows 11 laptop.
I just want to install meteor and run the app using the specific meteor version it uses (2.7.1).
I already installed node but don’t know how to continue from there. I suppose I just would have to install meteor in Windows (11) and then when running the app, it will install the meteor 2.7.1 version and the npm packages, etc.

Can somebody give instructions about how to do this process?
Many thanks to all and bye …

The latest installation guide contains instructions for windows and troubleshooting, too. If node/npm is installed I would first go with the npx meteor and then the npm instlall then the windows specific notes down further in the document.

So, I suppose:

  1. With npx meteor I install meteor for the whole machine
  2. When running the app for the first time, It’ll install the specific version of meteor (2.7.1) and all the npm packages

Is that reasoning correct?

…I know, that is known (I’m only remind :smiley:) but, you can install WSL2 or Docker and create development container of your project. …because problem is starting, when you are working together on 2 Meteor projects with very different versions and you need switching between them. For WSL or Docker you need to have powerful computer (because virtualization takes a lot from your system resources).

Hi guys, and thanks.
I was able to install meteor. I opened a command prompt shell and issued:
npx meteor
It installed, I supposed, the newest version of meteor in the machine.
Then I did a:
meteor --settings xxxxxx.json --port 3020
and it installed just the version that it uses: 2.7.1
Now it is installing every package the application uses.
But this step is taking a very loooooooong time.
It is working now and it has taken more than 3 hours and hasn’t finished yet.
I’ll report back whatever is the result of this instalation I’m doing …
Thanks again …