Open source graph database using Mantra and packages from Nova

I am rewriting an open source graph database app that will provide advanced use cases for Mantra and the 4 packages recently excerpted from Nova. Hopefully it can be a place to look for example code for some of the common questions people have about using these tools and methods.

Right now it just poses a few questions about the best way to handle global state variables based on recent issues posted to the Mantra repo, but it will be updated soon to use the React List Container and React Form Containers packages in a variety of ways and features from Smart Methods and Smart Publications used in complex databases.

If anyone wants to contribute it will hopefully help reach some consensus and provide working code for best practices for things we are all new on and maybe @arunoda and @sacha can keep an eye on what we are doing and tell us if it is not what they intended. :slightly_smiling:

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That’s a really interesting idea! I’ll keep an eye on this project for sure :slight_smile:

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