Orion CMS - Powerful and flexible admin panel for meteor

Would someone like to remove all the porn from the demo site? http://orion-example.meteor.com/ Or does it refresh itself back to normal every few minutes?

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Now you can flag as inappropriate a post. That will hide it for you. 3 flags and its removed.

Here is the code for reference https://github.com/orionjs/examples/tree/master/blog

Iā€™ve just done the Orion Microscope tutorial and am a bit concerned with the reliance of allow & deny to secure the application.

Please read this: [The Allow & Deny Security Challenge: Results][1]
[1]: https://www.discovermeteor.com/blog/allow-deny-challenge-results/ ā€œThe Allow & Deny Security Challenge: Resultsā€

Can anyone knowledgeable about Orion respond to this security concern?

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@nicolaslopezj and @rwatts

First, kudos for building a great framework and for being responsive to the comments above.
As a techie, I am super impressed with Orion. However, I feel there is a lack of polish from a UI / presentation standpoint. Even if we are techies, with so many frameworks, we need some eye candy. All the Orion demo and example sites lack serious polish from a CSS / UI standpoint.

I come from the Drupal side, where we can spin up a super-looking website in a day using top-notch themes (I personally love themes from http://morethanthemes.com, take a look at this one and see how it sells you very well: http://demo.morethanthemes.com/corporateplus/default/ ā€“ not just a blog, but features and examples etc.)

Donā€™t focus on the techie side only, with so many options, people just jump to the next thing if they donā€™t ā€œlikeā€ it. The web has become an emotional experience, especially with so many frameworks out there.

Orion may soon push us to dump PHP for good, but we need this nudge to know that it CAN be done. The demo site is supposed to do that.

PS: Here is an idea, why donā€™t you use paid themes from here http://themes.getbootstrap.com/ or search for good bootstrap themes. Or get a CSS designer on board.

Also, your tutorials contain expletives and are not geared towards a professional audience (http://orionjs.org/tutorials/microscope). We donā€™t typically use the words WTF and ā€˜screwitā€™ in professional docs. If you want ā€˜corporateā€™ adoption, that has to be cleaned up. Hire a copy editor if you need to. Take a look at kadiraā€™s docs for example.

I canā€™t say Orion is super awesome something like how they say,
I tried a few time but i canā€™t do anything with that.

I tried to look http://orionjs.org/tutorials/microscope this tutorial but iā€™m stack on creating user section. There is some bug and their support forum not so helpful also.

Hi @funkyeah !

Looks like you moved to Drupal for your website.
What was a reason?


Iā€™ve used Orion in a production app but unfortunately I canā€™t recommend it. Many times I was wasted hours trying to change something that should be easily changeable in few minutes, just because many decisions are made for you and you cannot easily customize stuff. Plus, sadly it seems that Orion is no longer actively maintained.

Is there a flexible programmer-oriented CMS that you would recommend to use with Meteor?

I ended up just implementing my own simple CMS for another project. While the initial time to code it was longer, it was well worth it in the long run.

Hey, apologies, didnā€™t see this question for some reasonā€¦

The original site wasnā€™t built on any CMS, just stock Meteor plus a few libraries. We wanted some other people to be able to update the site so a transition to CMS was necessary. I probably could have handled the transition to something Meteor based but couldnā€™t sign-up for indefinite maintenance and feature additions so somebody else was needed. Drupal/Wordpress help is a lot easier to find and also typically a lot cheaper than a good Meteor dev.