Output not aligning with Database

Currently have a user in the system with the role ‘Super-User’. In the database it’s showing ‘Super-User’ however output on my code is showing the roles array as being null.

My Client Code calling the user (returning all user data but listing roles as null)

    const handle = Meteor.subscribe('users.current',Meteor.userId());
    Tracker.autorun(() => {
      const isReady = handle.ready();
      if(isReady) {

My Subscribe:

  Meteor.publish('users.current', function (passedId) {
        const selector = {_id: passedId};
        const options = {
          fields: {_id: 1, "roles": 1}
        const response = Meteor.users.find(selector,options);
        return response;

I’m using Astronomy for data modeling.

const User = Astro.Class({
  name: 'User',
  collection: Meteor.users,
  fields: {
    'emails': {
      type: 'array',
      nested: 'Email',
      default: function() {
        return [];
    createdAt: 'date',
    profile: {
      type: 'object',
      nested: 'UserProfile',
      default: function() {
        return {};
    roles: {
      type: 'array'
    company: {
      type: 'string'
  methods : {
    firstEmail : function () {
      return _.get(this, 'emails[0].address', null);

EDIT: possible issue might be with the subscription itself. When I console.log out isReady within autorun it never shows true.