Pagination of subscriptions

There are several solutions out there for subscription paging, but I never really looked into any of them because some time ago I had devised my own solution. Over the years I became more and more disenchanted with my approach, because it seemed overly complex

Originally I did something like this

Publication = new Mongo.Collection('publication');
Meteor.publish('publication', function(query, skip){
  const self = this;
  const maxCount = Publication.find(query).count();
  const handler = Publication.find(query, {skip: skip, limit: 8}).observeChanges({
    added: function(id, object) {
      object._subscriptionId = self._subscriptionId;
      object.maxCount = maxCount;
      self.added('publication', id, object);
    changed: function(id, fields) {
      self.changed('publication', id, fields);
    removed: function(id) {
      // console.log('business.removed',id);
      self.removed('publication', id);
  self.onStop(function() {
    if (handler) {

on the client side I would then grab one of the objects in a callback of the subscription to setup the pagination

subscribe('publication', query, skip, function(){
 const object = Publication.findOne();
 // feed object.maxCount to the pagination

This approach also had the advantage that I was able to tell my subscriptions apart on the client by filtering for _subscriptionId.

Long story short I wanted to simplify my approach, and also get away from observeChanges for every subscription to Publication , so I came up with the following, which works surprisingly well

Publication = new Mongo.Collection('publication');
PublicationCount = new Mongo.Collection('publication_count');
Meteor.publish('publication', function(query, skip){
  const self = this;
  // get the max count for the query without limit
  const maxCount = Publication.find(query).count();
  // see if there is an entry in PublicationCount for this connection id
  const pubcount = PublicationCount.findOne({connectionId:});
  var pubcountId = null;
  if(pubcount) {
    // update if exists
    PublicationCount.update(pubcount._id, {$set:{maxCount: maxCount}});
    pubcountId = pubcount._id;
  } else {
    // create if it did not
    pubcountId = PublicationCount.insert({connectionId:, maxCount: maxCount});
  // return array of cursors
  return [
    Publication.find(query,{skip: skip, limit: 8}),
// use Meteor.onConnection to clean up PublicationCount for disconnected connections
Meteor.onConnection(function(connection) {
  const connectionId =;
    let c = PublicationCount.remove({connectionId: connectionId});
    console.log(`onClose ${connectionId} removed ${c}`);
// clean out PublicationCount when server starts

On the client side I simply subscribe and read the count for the pagination

subscribe('publication', query, skip, function(){
 const count = PublicationCount.findOne();
 if(count) {
  // set up pagination with count.maxCount

I would be interested what you think about this approach.


Will the count be updated when new document inserted or removed?

Yes, because whenever the subscription changes, the cursor for the counter will be also updated