Parsley.JS not working in Meteor (anymore)

Updated to the latest meteor version and I’m also running the latest Parsely.js version my validation has stopped working it seems that

$('#create-post').parsley().options.trigger = 'change';

Is not firing in meteor (onrender) but works fine in JS Fiddle -

Really not sure why it’s not working anymore has anyone else run into this issues

I was finally able to get to the bottom of this I had create post id twice once in my navigation and once in form this was causing the conflict

<li class="{{isActiveRoute regex='create-post'}}">
<a href="{{pathFor 'create-post'}}" id="create-post"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i><span class="title">{{mf 'create-post' 'Create Post'}}</span></a>