I know this question has been asked a lot but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus on a working solution.
I would like my meteor app to be able to save some data and have access to it offline on mobile (android and iOS). I have taken a look at persistent session but its no longer maintained.
Is there a workable solution yet?
I believe every phone has a memory, I was wondering if there’s a cordova package that could be added to take advantage of a phone’s internal storage or something of that nature.
I’ve taken a look at the project and I’ve taken steps to use it.
I installed with meteor add cordova:cordova-plugin-nativestorage@2.3.2
I have been at this for hours without success. I followed everything in the docs.
Here’s what I’m doing inside a react component.
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
"myCountry", {COUNTRY: 'NIGERIA'},
() => alert(`Your country is set to NIGERIA`),
() => alert("Your country is not set"));
this.setState({set some state})
To read the value I’m using
NativeStorage.getItem("myCountry"). This returns undefined everytime. I don’t even know if the item is set in the first place.
I looked at the example here https://github.com/TheCocoaProject/cordova-plugin-nativestorage#example, there is nowhere getItem is ever used to log the value that is supposedly saved.
I have tried every trick. Scoured posts. Uninstalled and reinstall all to no avail. I don’t know if I need to do any kind of imports in my file.
But in my phones dev console I have access to NativeStorage so I suppose its available without imports. But even in my dev console getItem always return undefined