Pick-up Games app - open source - looking for contributors :)

Hi everybody!

I’m not good at writing, so I’ll be short…

Almost 2 years ago I launched my first Meteor app: www.fulbacho.net. Fulbacho is responsive web app for organizing sport activities built with Meteor 1.2 and Blaze. The project took me 5 months to completion, and I can proudly say that the app is still alive and has been used to host more than 1000 games.

Now-a-days I still love the idea of having a platform to organize sport activities and for this reason I would like to restart the project from scratch using a much modern stack. I’ve setup a github repo for those of you interested in contributing: https://github.com/fede-rodes/pickupgames The project is still in super early stage, so everything could change, I’m open to ideas. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you find the project interesting and want to help, even if you are not a Meteor expert (it’s not my case either :slight_smile: ), I think this would be a nice opportunity to share ideas and learn from other people’s code.

Thanks for you time!
