Play audio file

i would like to play a mp3 file with a ordinary player (pause, play, gotoTimeX).

i am using a vanilla audio tag

<audio id="audio" preload="auto" tabindex="0" controls="controls" type="audio/mpeg">
      <source src="/easy.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
      Your browser does not support the audio element.

now meteor crashes all the time
ERROR: EPERM, unlink c:\user …\easy.mp3

and on an iphone6 the player looks complete destroyed.

i installed “delgermurun:mediaelementjs” - which seems to make no difference.

what’s the meteor way to building a simple player with an audio file.

thanks in advance!

Did you try brentjanderson:buzz?


Is the file located in a directory named public?

yes, it is in the public folder … what do you suggest?

hi, thanks for your reply. yes, i checked :buzz - from what i saw there is no player interface (play, pause, skip to different time).

any help is highly appreciated.