Please Help me to fix this Mongo Query

return Messages.find({
        $or: [{ $and: [{ senderId: userId }, { recieverId: recId }] }, { $and: [{ senderId: recId }, { recieverId: userId }] }],
    }, { limit: 1, sort: { sentAt: -1 } });

looks good. is it not showing an error?
if there is not result then the error is in the logic itself.

Maybe spelling of variables? (receiver was misspelled). Try running meteor mongo and see if your query works there, cut it down to pieces until you identify the issue.

return Messages.find({
        $or: [ { senderId: userId, receiverId: recId }, { senderId: recId, receiverId: userId }] 
    }, { limit: 1, sort: { sentAt: -1 } });