Possibility for "global" Node namespace per user and method.call?

In the Node Meteor environment, I am using a settings singleton like this:

class settingsClass {
  partner = undefined;

  setPartner(name: string) {
    return this.partner = name;

  getPartner() {
    if (this.partner) return this.partner
    throw 'Partner is unknown'

export let Settings = new settingsClass()

I found out that this setting is shared between clients and method calls. What other option is there for a client and method call separated “global” namespace? I want to manage some environment without passing all via parameters, etc.

Based on the documentation the methods this conext

Inside your method invocation, this is bound to a method invocation object, which provides the following:

So I might extend this object with my variable. But how can I access it from inside some function, without passing it all the way down?

function somecall() {
  ... ? // how to access method invocation object's property partner?

    'setpartner'(name) {
      // @ts-ignore
      this.partner = name

you have some options here.

  1. you could put in a DB collection
  2. you can create a global Map, which has either userId, or connectionId (or both) keys and you store objects there - you need to be sure to clean this up
  3. you can access the connection object at Meteor.default_server.sessions - depending on which version of meteor you are using, this will either be an object or a Map

If you’re doing userId based keys, and need data to be available across connections, you should ensure that you either have a single server, or if load balancing, that you have sticky sessions enabled.

Of course if you are doing connectionId based keys, you won’t need to think about that

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Thank you @znewsham - I think using connectionId works for my case. But there is no way to get it outside from the Meteor.methods definition? I can pass it down, but that becomes quite a difficult job for complex structures.

function somecall() {
  Meteor.default_server.sessions[ ... how do I get the connectionid? ]

    'setpartner'(name) {
      somecall() // call without passing context / connectionid

You can do something like this from anywhere on the server

    const invocation = DDP._CurrentPublicationInvocation.get() || DDP._CurrentMethodInvocation.get();
    const session = invocation && (invocation._session || invocation.connection);
    //session.id == connectionId

I would just pass it. It’s simple and clear.