POST calls to local app from external site

This may be a strange question, but I’m having trouble connecting to a local running app from a hosted website that attempts to POST a form to my local URL/endpoint. I’m sure it is something simple that I’m missing – or just a lack of knowledge – but any help would be appreciated.

The way it works is this:

  • I have a Vue Apollo app running on localhost:8080 (https), and the graphql server runs on localhost:4000/graphql (http). This is only for dev/test purposes, of course. Eventually, it will be hosted.

  • In a third-party app hosted by someone else, they have a launch service that will launch my app in a modal (like a plug-in). That launch POSTS some form data which I would use to consume various bits of user info to authenticate, etc.

Whenever they attempt to POST (or I attempt through Postman) to my localhost:8080 clientside, it terminates in a 404. I can POST to the localhost:4000/graphql endpoint just fine on the server. So, I guess my question is this:

  1. Is there a way to receive POST requests on the clientside to a vue-router endpoint? I haven’t had much luck with my googling.
  2. If I instead POST to the graphql server, it would need to be over https (requirement of the third-party host environment). I haven’t been able to find a definitive answer on how to get the graphql server to serve over https. And then how do I create a custom endpoint to receive the POST? Do I use express middleware, or is there a more standard method?

This is my vue-apollo.js:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'
import { createApolloClient, restartWebsockets } from 'vue-cli-plugin-apollo/graphql-client'

// Install the vue plugin

// Name of the localStorage item
const AUTH_TOKEN = 'apollo-token';
const TOKEN_TYPE = 'token-type';
const CLIENT_ID = 'client-id';

// Http endpoint
const httpEndpoint = process.env.VUE_APP_GRAPHQL_HTTP || 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'

// Config
const defaultOptions = {
  // You can use `https` for secure connection (recommended in production)
  // You can use `wss` for secure connection (recommended in production)
  // Use `null` to disable subscriptions
  wsEndpoint: process.env.VUE_APP_GRAPHQL_WS || 'ws://localhost:4000/graphql',
  // LocalStorage token
  tokenName: AUTH_TOKEN,
  // Enable Automatic Query persisting with Apollo Engine
  persisting: false,
  // Use websockets for everything (no HTTP)
  // You need to pass a `wsEndpoint` for this to work
  websocketsOnly: false,
  // Is being rendered on the server?
  ssr: false,

  // Override default apollo link
  // note: don't override httpLink here, specify httpLink options in the
  // httpLinkOptions property of defaultOptions.
  // link: myLink

  // Override default cache
  // cache: myCache

  // Override the way the Authorization header is set
  // getAuth: (tokenName) => ...

  // Additional ApolloClient options
  // apollo: { ... }

  // Client local data (see apollo-link-state)
  // clientState: { resolvers: { ... }, defaults: { ... } }

// Call this in the Vue app file
export function createProvider (options = {}) {
  // Create apollo client
  //console.log("CREATE PROVIDER CALLED")
  const { apolloClient, wsClient } = createApolloClient({
  apolloClient.wsClient = wsClient

  // Create vue apollo provider
  const apolloProvider = new VueApollo({
    defaultClient: apolloClient,
    defaultOptions: {
      $query: {
        // fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
    errorHandler (error) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.log('%cError', 'background: red; color: white; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius: 3px; font-weight: bold;', error.message)
  APOLLO_CLIENT = apolloClient;
  return apolloProvider;

// Manually call this when user log in
export async function onLogin (token, token_type, client_id) {
  if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined' && token) {
    localStorage.setItem(AUTH_TOKEN, token);
    localStorage.setItem(TOKEN_TYPE, token_type);
    localStorage.setItem(CLIENT_ID, client_id);
    console.log("ON LOGIN LOCAL STORAGE ITEMS: " + '', localStorage);
  if (APOLLO_CLIENT.wsClient) restartWebsockets(APOLLO_CLIENT.wsClient)
  try {
    await APOLLO_CLIENT.resetStore()
  } catch (e) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.log('%cError on cache reset (login)', 'color: orange;', e.message)

// Manually call this when user log out
export async function onLogout (apolloClient) {
  if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
  if (apolloClient.wsClient) restartWebsockets(apolloClient.wsClient)
  try {
    await apolloClient.resetStore()
  } catch (e) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.log('%cError on cache reset (logout)', 'color: orange;', e.message)

No matter what I set the httpEndpoint to, it still spins up the server at http://localhost:4000/graphql. The only other reference I could find to that URL is in grapqhlconfig.yml, and I have changed it there, as well, to no avail. I must be missing something – a way to override, perhaps, that I can’t find in the docs or through googling.

Is there a Best Practice, even in general, that I’m missing as far as getting my local app to receive POST calls from a remote website?

I should add that I’m using a fairly default setup with the Vue CLI 3 scaffolding and vue-apollo default setup.

Here is my vue.config.js:

module.exports = {
  pluginOptions: {
    apollo: {
      enableMocks: false,
      enableEngine: false,
      // Base folder for the server source files
      serverFolder: './apollo-server',
      // Cross-Origin options
      cors: '*',
  devServer: {
    disableHostCheck: true,
    https: true

Many thanks for any help.

this may help: