I was thinking about a way to share our migration efforts or have some reference projects to work on together.
I think we will all benefit from having a list of open source Meteor projects (full apps, if possible) that we can clone and try to migrate.
I think the best outcome will be with small projects as they have a scope that is much better to manage, especially if we are not really into the project and it’s code.
for the permissions, i’m using alanning:roles v1. I have not migrated to v2/v3 and i will probably fork it and adapt v1 to async/await stuff and delay migration to alanning:roles v3 for another release.
For WeKan, trying to upgrade to Meteor 3 at this branch:
WeKan also uses Meteor-Files. Currently I’m trying to code migrations from CollectionFS to Meteor-Files, so that attachments would stay visible when upgrading Snap to newest WeKan, and trying to fix other attachment related issues.
Hi, sounds a good idea, I will start the migration for my Meteor + Vue app once the first beta is published since I’m waiting for an update to the Meteor.callAsync method where returns the promise instead of using the callback to receive the response.