Probably a stupid question, issue with imports?

So I’m having an odd issue where my development laptop is running the project fine, my work PC is running fine, but I am trying to set up the same project on my home PC and it’s giving me issues.

I used the suggestions linked in the Grapher documentation for adding all db files to an index and importing the index. But it’s telling me the collections don’t exist, despite the index being imported.

Here’s a sample that’s not working using some of the tutorial data:


import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';

import '/imports/db/index.js';

const insertTask = (taskText, user) =>
    text: taskText,
    userId: user._id,
    createdAt: new Date(),


import {TasksCollection} from "./tasks/TasksCollection";

import './links';


import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const TasksCollection = new Mongo.Collection('tasks');

This results in ReferenceError: TasksCollection is not defined

Really confusing me as to why this is working fine on the other 2 PC’s and it’s giving this one problems? I’ve installed all of them from the same project with GitHub. Have the laptop on my lap right now and did a meteor reset and it’s not giving this error? How could that be?

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';

import '/imports/db/index.js';

const insertTask = (taskText, user) =>
    text: taskText,
    userId: user._id,
    createdAt: new Date(),

I don’t see an import line for TasksCollection in this file. Try importing it.

As per recommendations in the Grapher documentation, the imports for the collection were imported in the index, that is imported in that file.

There’s also a sample project for Grapher that I saw with a similar technique, but I hadn’t saved the link and can’t find it right now.

Is there any issue with the index.js that would make it not import correctly?

(Edit: Found it: GitHub - cult-of-coders/grapher-boilerplate: Boilerplate for structuring your apps using Meteor + React + Grapher

It looks like main.js on the server only has import ‘/imports/startup/server’

And then imports/startup/server file has several files which seem to import the same way I am in the above example.

I’m not able to find any difference or conflicts in the importing that I used compared to the one in the boilerplate.)