Problem connecting to Mongo in Meteor

Using The following;

Windows 10
Windows Installer version of Meteor
Git-Bash as CLI

After starting the Server with “meteor.bat”, I open another terminal window, cd into my app directory and try to run meteor.bat mongo and it throws the following error

Error: EINVAL, invalid argument
at new Socket (net.js:157:18)
at process.stdin (node.js:693:19)
at [as func] (C:\tools\cli\commands.js:1166:12)
at C:\tools\cli\main.js:1378:23

Any Ideas on what I need to do to get this running?

Meteor on Windows is only currently supported using the default Window “cmd” tool. Cygwin, git-bash, etc. aren’t guaranteed to work.

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Thank you. Using the Windows CMD tool worked