It’s also worth pointing out that there is a limit on the value of the biggest integer JavaScript can accurately represent. That’s available in Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
and is 253-1 (9007199254740991).
Thanks for all reply.
So the solution of this, we should use values in cents (as integer)
by @serkandurusoy.
Eg: We will multiple all of value input with *100
(decimal number = 2 digits)
Now I try to insert data with NumberDecimal
(In Mongo Shell)
// Invoice
_id: "1",
date: ,
name: 'Maly',
amount: NumberDecimal('0.3')
// Payment
_id : "1",
date : ,
paid : NumberDecimal('0.2'),
invoiceId: "1"
_id : "2",
date : ,
paid : NumberDecimal('0.1'),
invoiceId: "1"
And then It work fine
............. // lookup to payment
_id: null,
totalPaid: {$sum: "$paid"}
........ // project the balance field, and set status
// Result
"_id" : null,
"sum" : 0.3
How us NumberDecimal
in Meteor
Merged as the mongo-decimal
meteor add mongo-decimal
Although the documentation is somewhat lacking
Thanks again, Don’t have any document??
Could you example if you know?
Excuse me, Which one better Cents Number (as integer) VS Decimal Number
@robfallows, Which one better 1 VS 2
1- Use mongo-decimal
to store Mongo data as NumberDecimal
2- Use as normal Double
, but we convert Double
to Decimal
by $toDecimal
in Query Data
addFields: { amountDbl: {$toDecimal: '$amount'}}
$group:{_id: null, totalAmount: { $sum: "amountDbl"}}
$project: {total: {$toDouble: '$total'}}
HI all, now I have problem when fetching data with Aggregate
1- Meteor collection
let data = Collection.find, findOne
// Work fine with Decimal JS Method (Client/Server)
2- Use sakulstra:aggregate
or Native node driver
let data = Collection.aggregate([.......]), Collection.rawCollection().aggregate([.....])
// Don't work with Decimal JS Method (Client/Server)
Please help me…
returns a Promise.
If you are using it inside a Meteor Method, define your method as async
and then await
the result of the aggregation. You will also need to convert the aggregation cursor to an array. So something like this:
async doMyAggregation() {
try {
return await Collection.rawCollection().aggregate(aggPipeline).toArray();
} catch(error) {
throw new Meteor.Error(error.message);
Yes I understand about this, but the problem is :
I can not convert Decimal field
to Number by .toNumber()
Decimal JS method on client/server side like .finde, findOne
(Meteor collection)
Ah, OK.
The Meteor package mongo-decimal
just adds a few extra methods and properties to decimal.js
. It also adds EJSON compatibility.
You should probably start by looking at the NPM package linked above. I suspect you’ll probably need to convert your MongoDB value to a Decimal
before you’re able to manipulate it with toNumber()
const decNum = new Decimal(mongoDecimalValue);
I haven’t tried any of this!
I tried, but get error
import { Decimal as DecJs } from 'decimal.js'
export const aggregateNumber = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'demo.aggregateNumber'
validate: null,
run() {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
let data = NumberVal.aggregate([
$limit: 1,
data.valDecimal = new DecJs(data.valDecimal)
return data
Exception while invoking method 'demo.aggregateNumber' Error: [DecimalError] Invalid argument: 0.1
I20190523-19:42:22.037(7)? at new Decimal (/Volumes/DATA/MeteorApp/meteor-element/node_modules/decimal.js/decimal.js:4302:15)
I20190523-19:42:22.037(7)? at (imports/api/demos/mongoDecimal.js:50:25)
I20190523-19:42:22.037(7)? at ValidatedMethod._execute (packages/mdg:validated-method/validated-method.js:94:12)
I20190523-19:42:22.037(7)? at MethodInvocation.demo.aggregateNumber (packages/mdg:validated-method/validated-method.js:57:23)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1767:12)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at DDP._CurrentMethodInvocation.withValue (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:719:19)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1304:12)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at DDPServer._CurrentWriteFence.withValue (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:717:46)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1304:12)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at Promise (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:715:46)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at new Promise (<anonymous>)
I20190523-19:42:22.038(7)? at Session.method (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:689:23)
I20190523-19:42:22.039(7)? at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:559:clock430:
I tried to console valDeciaml
"valDecimal": { "_bsontype": "Decimal128", "bytes": { "0": 1, "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0, "7": 0, "8": 0, "9": 0, "10": 0, "11": 0, "12": 0, "13": 0, "14": 62, "15": 48 } } }
You are importing the NPM package, which does not have the methods and properties needed for returning serialised EJSON. You should import { Decimal } from 'meteor/mongo-decimal';
However, the error at the top (Invalid argument: 0.1
) suggests that there’s a problem with converting MongoDB’s representation.
You could try data.valDecimal = new Decimal(data.valDecimal.toString());
Thanks, It work.
Why data.valDecimal
is not Decimal JS
If I use Collection.findOne({})
, the valDecimal
is Decimal js
(don’t use data.valDecimal = new Decimal(data.valDecimal.toString())
Why data.valDecimal
is not Decimal JS
The meteor/mongo
package uses meteor/mongo-decimal
to ensure the Decimal data identified with Meteor Mongo.Collection
s can be serialised with EJSON. The native MongoDB library doesn’t - you need to handle all this yourself.
I will try the bast