Problem startup "$.material.init();" in "fezvrasta:bootstrap-material-design" with "Flow Router"?

I try to use fezvrasta:bootstrap-material-design in my project, and init the package like this

// client
Meteor.startup(function () {
    // This command is used to initialize some elements and make them work properly

FlowRouter.route('/', {
    name: 'home',
    action: function (params, queryParams) {
        BlazeLayout.render('layout', {content: 'index'});

But the router is startup before the Meteor.startup();
And then I tried to use

Meteor.startup(function () {
    // This command is used to initialize some elements and make them work properly

But it don’t work.
Please help me.

It don’t work with button animate.

Sorry if this too late but just incase someone needs this still; the issue is that you’ve put the $.material.init() in the wrong place. It should be placed in the template’s onRendered method as follows.


I have many templates, so not good to do this.
Could init for all templates?

As far as I know, that’s the way the people designed it to work. Remember it was original designed for “normal” web pages; that load their entire page once. With Meteor things are different; templates are created and destroyed every time something happens and this requires that init function to be called every time a template is displayed anew.

I have been doing this in all of my templates. I don’t like it but from what else is out there I like bootstrap material design, at least for now.

For this I put it in the onRendered of my layout template, instead of each template individually.