Problem with es6 classes in separate files inside a package

i have a problem: when trying to create my own meteor package and creating es6 classes (one class per file), somehow i don’t get it working because ether problem of that parent classes are not defined or a very strange “TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined”, BUT classes in one file are working with extends and super call…

class Parent
class Child extends Parent

this simple code doesn’t work…

when inside a meteor package in separated files
(with and without export definition)

class Parent {} equates to var Parent = Parent {}, so is always (in Meteor) file scoped. One workaround is to make it global (package scoped): Parent = class Parent {}

thank you very much :

i didn’t really expected that being the same for this new class definitions, is there a reason defining classes only for the local file?

I’ve found that I’ve had to do this in client side code to make things work:
“use strict”;

window.Route = class {};

If I remove window I get an error message saying Route is undefined. Any ideas why? And is it correct to use window to solve my problem?

This blog entry explains what is happening. Also gives a solution.

It doesn’t give the solution to my problem. The solution was to add the ecmascript package. Once added you can remove window and you can also remove "use strict";.