Problem with upgrade to 1.2 (... npm-container: package.js:23:7: The isAsset option to addFiles is deprecated...)!

Update to release METEOR@ is impossible:
While reading package from /D/meteor-app/cpanel/packages/npm-container:
package.js:23:7: The isAsset option to addFiles is deprecated. Use PackageAPI#addAssets instead.

This project is at the latest release which is compatible with your current package constraints.
=> Errors while upgrading packages:

While reading package from /D/meteor-app/cpanel/packages/npm-container:
package.js:23:7: The isAsset option to addFiles is deprecated. Use PackageAPI#addAssets instead.

Did you already update your mup package? If not, fire npm update mup -g on your console based here.

Thanks, I try npm update mup -g, but don’t work.
I use win 7.

I use meteorhacks:npm, npm-container.
Does It have problem with this?

Actually, npm-container is included during the installation of meteorhacks:npm, try removing npm-container, here’s the instructions on how to do it, link.

Excuse me, how to update in my project?

Theara@THEARA-PC D:\meteor-app\cpanel
meteor update

But don’t work.

You just remove npm-container as instructed on the repo if you’re using 1.2,

rm -rf packages/npm-container 
meteor remove npm-container

then update meteorhacks:npm, just run meteor update meteorhack:npm on your console

meteor update meteorhacks:npm

finally, run meteor


Now it show:

$ meteor update                                                                                  
Update to release METEOR@ is impossible:                                                  
While selecting package versions:                                                                
error: Conflict: Constraint less@1.0.11 is not satisfied by less 2.5.0_3.                        
Constraints on package "less":                                                                   
* less@=2.5.0_3 <- top level                                                                     
* less@1.0.11 <- yogiben:autoform-file 0.2.9                                                     
This project is at the latest release which is compatible with your current package constraints. 
Your top-level dependencies are at their latest compatible versions.                             
The following top-level dependencies were not updated to the very latest version available:      
 * ecwyne:mathjs 1.6.0_2 (2.1.1 is available)                                                    
 * natestrauser:select2 3.5.1 (4.0.0_1 is available)                                             
 * yogiben:autoform-file 0.2.9 (1.0.1 is available)                                              
Newer versions of the following indirect dependencies are available:                             
 * cosmos:browserify 0.5.1 (0.7.1 is available)                                                  
 * percolate:velocityjs 1.1.0 (1.2.1_1 is available)                                             
 * promise 0.4.1 (0.5.0 is available)                                                            
 * zimme:collection-behaviours 1.0.4 (1.1.3 is available)                                        
To update one or more of these packages, pass their names to `meteor update`.                    

And then I check meteor --version is in my project.
But the global version is 1.2

I had exact same problem…

what i did… i change the file manually. And i think that after that ur going to get at diferrent error on the same file… but you can also fix it manually.

After those 2 changes… probably is not the best solution, but it worked for me.

@theara, Yup, you have to manually update your packages if there’s available, if none, well, you have to wait for the package author.