Programmers for Real-Time Drawing Project; Get Hype!

Hey all,

A bunch of us are putting together a giant web-based drawing app with Meteor! You simply draw (or chat or game) in real-time with others in the same space. Plenty of these are done in Flash, but we’re making it happen in JavaScript, HTML5, and of course this framework – a site that works on mobile (because it’s not Flash) for anybody to screw and play around on or seriously draw. Current drawing apps aren’t too popular as they’re not accessible to the host of many devices people use, chatting’s not versatile or user-friendly enough to compete with chat sites, and their designs look god-awful like it’s still the 90’s. So with what we’re after, there’s some crazy potential in this.

Predominantly JS, HTML, CSS with server-user communication in WebSockets (though WebRTC support could be nice in future). If you’re good with any of these and want to help the team / ask anything, message me here, Skype drawplanet, or email Will be more than happy to answer any of your questions. :+1: And if you’re crtical of anything, nothing’s set in stone. It’s very much a by the community, for the community type of thing.

Here’s the interface (though an old version as we’re constantly improving; mobile has a separate UI).
Did I mention it’s not Flash?


This project looks really promising. I’ll contact you whenever I’m free.

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This looks really great and I absolutely love the layout! I would definitely like to help out on this project, seems it will be great for everyone! :slight_smile:

Thanks. There’s also a Slack where commits to Github and Bitbucket can be seen. I can invite anybody to that by email. Or anybody can of course directly add to Skype drawplanet, and it’s where all of the devs are in a Skype group. So for anybody up to the challenge or just curious, it’s a fun team project that I think can be an awesome community hub on the web when done.