Public playlists helping land Meteor(ic) code?

Sorry if this is not in cultural-fit, but Meteor seems radically awesome so I have to risk a bikeshed and ask about music, or other atmospherics. What is in the background of this level of ninja? This is a very practical question actually since the level of digital will being engaged is WAY more than “go to the gym” or MMA.

Especially in the spirit of Hacktoberfest, but more so just Hack … and especially at the level of intense development will get with Meteor(ic) depth … there MUST be some great playlists floating around here. Hack still seems like a form of violence turned into art turned into science turned into every-day life, by genius and idiot alike. The real leveler… power packaged up like toilet paper. I wonder what this community must be like underneath, since it got through some of the most distracting low-awesome periods of technology history. There must be something serious compared to other cultures… or I would bet, at least.

I track Spotify to keep up with new music while also keeping all the prior best. I definitely would not post playlists uninvited, but I am so curious what must be out there. I picture the types of soundtrack to birth of actual galaxies, with the number of concurrent concepts and interaction going on as the new normal around here. Conjures up the type of complexity we only used to see across the entire world, except in my house cluster, and then deployed across data centers. The level of post-post-apocalyptic I sense in code here is massive. Entire genres were born even just trying to scratch the feeling of what some of us now do 60x24.

If there are already threads on this, my apologies, please feel free to mod me down accordingly.

Also, if the reader ought to be working on TPS reports, I cannot see that be possible around here unless by force of habit or raw choice. Please, if you are feeling low-awesome, hang back for a bit and brace for splash.

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For more context here, if you take this comment:

What would be the soundtrack of a best-ever-dawn show’em-how-it’s-done in-your-face be? I did my time in the framework layers many times and shifted over to pushing the limits of what all the cores being lit-up can do in life… so I have this better than rags-to-riches beyond-american-dream type backdrop feeling of what we do, post-Space-X, etc. Not calling the shots yet overall, but coming in hot. Seeing through all the noise outside the IDE to catch the corner of the first game-over opportunity, but to end the overall game-over feeling outside code. But being here under a year, I hope I am not the first to have this felt-sense come up… that vertigo of realizing we are at a new peak overall, if we can land this. Has an X Games vibe complete with the “OH #$@@#$!@#$” then the competitor lives and moves on to the next level.

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Alright, so I am going to give an example with some reasoning and break the ice then, invited by silence on this high-gain code performance topic which is has been pivotal since 1970 at least ( 55 years soon ):

That I would call “right down the middle” … not really curated but just a discography of instrumental versions ( updating as more instrumental versions some out ) … not too intense, not too yogapants. And if you know anything about Sleep Token … that dude is intentionally pulling all your attention and doing things with that which might be NSFW or downright post-religious / beyond-emo, flexing English pretty hard.

Whereas I find myself all churned up ( badly ) after a particularly hard coding session if listening with lyrics … without lyrics, as in the playlist there, it is very clean and focused but serious… like the artist would normally have done himself with the lyrics, but as code in my own life.

I have many go-to instrumental playlists like that, which would be impossible to find, or time/cost preventative to find outside Spotify … so every time I find myself pulling up some rare playlist, and firing up SublimeText … there is this feeling of “no one has ever combined these before” … the best of the state of two entire arts. Obviously this is my angle on both, but it cannot really be argued whether it is a true statement. Unless, of course, we see the Meteor side as a Ford Pinto type of decision.

Makes me wonder what playlists are out there doing real work, or if everyone is coding in silence, or with people reading off teleprompters in the background, or epic works from ages gone by and bringing those forward, or if others have this “pinch myself” feeling when pressing “play” and then getting into Meteor … seems like a paradigm shift starts with kindling a fire in the coder/designer, not just energy drinks and throwing water in your face. I think that might be why I care actually: If we are going to raise to a new level beyond our prior best as an ecosystem… how can we expect to do that? Art, I believe. At least! Otherwise, where does new drive flow into what might feel like a slog, until over THAT peak. Cue the Nike poster slogan.

More vibescapes to encourage someone else to share, or to go win a boss-fight in IDE and CLI:

I’m more of a classical/orchestral music guy and my playlists are more related to my creative writing.
Other than that I use to induce focus. It has mixed results, but more often than not it helps.

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Nice @storyteller. Curious what classical selections you recommend.

Might give a try. Is it binaural beats or similar? Certain frequencies working to externally signal the brain from black-hat reverse engineering of what sound does? Also reminds me of the mantra/chant singers like on the more white-hat side ( guitar and voice as instrument over Ocean sounds ): has some science behind it. Honestly trying to explain that would just both it, best to check out their dedicated page to that:

With classical music (or any music in general for work) I would recommend something that you know. If you know the piece it is easier to listen to and you get positive feelings. Read about that a while ago that they did some research into it. I prefer anything where there is no song track as lyrics take away attention. For myself it would be the classical composers like Dvorak, Smetana, Beethoven or Mozart. But mostly I listen to contemporary soundtracks, often from anime. 2024 I was mostly listening to Evan Call and the soundtrack from Frieren (amazing show in every aspect).

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