Public release candidate of Meteor 1.2

Amazing! Looking forward 1.2 release!

I found something strange when I added the angular package (meteor add angular)

The angular integration worked but as soon as I added the package the status bar on my mobile app that was connected disapeared, it kinda went full screen at the top, when I remove angular and run the app again on the device the status bar show up again.

@sashko have you noticed any slowdowns caused by browserify? My reload is actually slower now with 1.2 RC7

Before it was 10.4 seconds avg to reload a change and now itā€™s 12.7 seconds :frowning: Thereā€™s around 400 files in the project using tree.

I think the plan is that the browserify package should convert to the new compiler API to enable better caching, then it should be a lot faster/better. I assume right now the package recompiles everything on every file change, even if you donā€™t change anything related to browserify?

Oh ok that makes sense! I didnā€™t try to change a non React part of the app, perhaps that might have been faster. I just edited a bit of the JSX to test.

Are you using Browserify to compile your JSX files? Or are you using the jsx package? The JSX package doesnā€™t use Browserify at all.

Oh right, I was thinking React was getting imported in browserify :laughing:

Itā€™s just this:

var Alt = require('alt');
connectToStores = require('alt/utils/connectToStores');
alt = new Alt();

classNames = require('classnames');

I noticed that when I tried adding in redux & react-router through browserify it became super slow so I ended up taking it out (20+ seconds per reload). I would bet itā€™s recompiling everything on each load. :confused:

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Yeah. I just recently updated jsx so that part should be fast and caching now. Iā€™ll see if I can poke @elidoran to update Browserify for the new API.

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cosmos:browserify 0.5.0 caches the generated files (.js.cached and source map file). Itā€™s a little faster, but, the processing Meteor does to the files when delivered to the CompileStep object is still very slow. Someone posted an issue about it so I tested it by loading up the client.browserify.js file with a ton of requirements. Even having the file cached to immediately provide to CompileStep it takes a long time. The plugin is done almost immediately. Then, whatever CompileStep does after that to review the code can take minutes. I think the new API is going to solve this issue so Meteorā€™s build system knows the plugin files havenā€™t changed.

I have a 0.6.0 release which has been waiting for some feedback. It uses an alternate method. It generates a .js file for Meteor to handle the way it does with any user made JS file. It handles that smarter by seeing it hasnā€™t changed and makes things a lot faster. The new API will replace this functionality too, and be better.

Iā€™ve seen the new API and began a branch for it as well. I havenā€™t rushed to publish it yet because Meteor 1.2 wasnā€™t available. I see there are some release candidates to play with so Iā€™ll finish it up and publish it.

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Sounds great! Let me know when you have a branch thatā€™s testable and iā€™ll let you know how it works. :+1:

Awesome! Is there a new tutorial yet? And what is the new estimated release date?

New RC 12. Seems that infinite loop on rebuild is solved.
Good work MDG!!
Now debug is a pleasure!

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What new tutorial are you looking for?

Is something changed in the way of connecting and logging in between different meteor apps using ddp protocol?
Because old tricks not working for me now. Meteor.user() is undefined after successful login.

Oh, almost forgot to ask! Will Meteor 1.2 allow us to use Mongo 3.0 as the default db that runs when you run meteor locally?

Not yet - the upgrade guide linked in the original post is a complete guide of the new features.

If anyone having issues with meteorhacks:npm. Follow these steps:

rm -rf packages/npm-container
meteor remove npm-container
meteor update meteorhacks:npm

Read More:


Right, Iā€™m wondering what the new tutorial would have that this one doesnā€™t. ā€œIs there a new tutorial yetā€ implies that there is a need for one, and I was just wondering what it would include.

However the answer is no, there is no new tutorial in this release except a React port of the Angular and Blaze one.

Testable branch ready: cosmos:browserify meteor-1.2-api

If you use app scoped stuff be sure to follow the instructions @arunoda wrote about meteorhacks:npm.

Thank you