Public release candidate of Meteor 1.2

I’ve seen it several times but it’s still quite rare for me; nothing I can reproduce at will. I’m also using react and jsx and the times I’ve seen it it’s also been an unexpected token error in a jsx file. And on OSX too.

Hey guys, I’m getting a performance issue during the steps after a compiler’s processFilesForTarget has returned:

Let me know if there’s any other info I can provide there.

@sashko: This sounds promising, thanks for the additional info!

And where is Aurelia support?

Maybe Urigio or ShMCk would be kind to guide us with the steps for package integration, since Aurelia and Angular 2 have similiar dependencies.
Plus the module export works with angular 2(how?)

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It’s happening 100% of the time for me. I will try to put together a test repo and add it here.

There is a script in this stackoverflow answer which lets you remove all packages, update the meteor release and then include all packages again. Worked well for me:

sed -e 's/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/meteor remove &/' .meteor/packages | sed 's/\@[0-9\.]*//g' >
sed -e 's/ remove / add /' >
meteor list  # should be empty
meteor update --release METEOR@1.2-rc.7
meteor list

Can you guys please release the updated reactive-dict package as part of the 1.2 release? There is new code for all() and clear(). Also, if you can merge in remove(): that would be super :smile:


+1 for updating reactive-dict

Are you still encountering these issues? Can you give me more information? It would help us fix this if you could file an issue on GitHub with a reproduction.

Unfortunately, that probably won’t happen in this release, but we should do it for the next one. Ideally, we can move coffeescript out of the Meteor release process so that we can just stay up to date all the time.

I’m experiencing this as well. Filed a GitHub issue: [1.2 RC] Meteor doesn't reload after a compile error in JSX · Issue #5080 · meteor/meteor · GitHub

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Hey @sashko. So I upgraded again and got the same issue. I started removing packages and after removing meteorhacks:kadira it started working as normal. But then I added meteorhacks:kadira back in again expecting a failure and it was still working.

I’m currently running on the RC with no changes to my code or packages at all so it seems like it’s an intermittent issue, or just something that can fix itself. If I can get it failing reliably again I will definitely put together a test repo.

Would love to see a way for Meteor to automatically handle export/import of ES6 classes.


I hope that will come soon after 1.2.

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Has anyone had any luck getting Velocity to work with 1.2-rc7? The server mirror seems to start up but no tests are run, and it seems like Velocity is trying to use instead of the app’s version of Meteor (not sure if there’s a way to change that).

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A guide on how to use the ES2015 features would come in handy especially with regards to multi package environments or how a replacement of this is possible with modules/classes. Great job.

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Hey folks,

I just put out a new feed video touring some of the ES6 and React features of this release. Hope it’s helpful!


Thanks a lot Chris. Looking forward to the class series. The sound is waaay better :smile:

Experiencing same issue. Logging in to different meteor server using this code:

Meteor.loginWithPassword(email, password, function (e) {
        if (e) {
            Session.set('ddpErrors', e);
        if (Meteor.user()) {

It worked on meteor, but not working on 1.2-rc10
Now Meteor.user() is undefined.

Client app connecting to server using this code:

Meteor.startup(function() {
DDPConnection = DDP.connect('https://<server address>:443/');

Meteor.connection = DDPConnection;
Accounts.connection = Meteor.connection;
Meteor.users = new Meteor.Collection('users', {
    connection: DDPConnection
