Publication data disappears from minimongo

so I created a view in my database using the command

db.createView('testViewUSA',"collection", [{
 $group: { 
      count: { $sum: 1 } }
           _id: "test", count:1 

I have meteor read it as a collection as so testViewUSA;

import {Mongo} from "meteor/mongo"; 

export const testViewUSA = new Mongo.Collection('testViewUSA');

I also have a publication

 'testViewUSA.all': function(_id) { 
      console.log('my view data', testViewUSA._name);
      return testViewUSA.find({ _id }); 

the subscription being used on the client is here

Template.test.onCreated(function() {
     // filler
     this.subscribe('testViewUSA.all', "test")
    // filer 

and a helper on the client

getCount() {
     const countData = testViewUSA.findOne({});
     console.log('countData', countData); 
     return countData; 

for some reason the data loads and then after a couple of seconds the web socket returns this message


rather than updating when the data changes

can you help me

I’m not sure of this, but try the following:

Change publication to

 'testViewUSA.all': function(_id) { 
      // console.log('my view data', testViewUSA._name);
      return testViewUSA.find(_id); 

change subscription to

Template.test.onCreated(function() {
     // filler
     this.subscribe('testViewUSA.all', { _id: "test" })
    // filer 

and change helper to

getCount() {
     /* see "Always use specific queries to fetch data" at
     const countData = testViewUSA.findOne({_id: "test"}).fetch();
     console.log('countData', countData); 
     return countData; 