Publication didn't update client when using RegExp

I have a serious problem with meteor publication/subscription on a project.

I have a Card collection with simple form, with an input name and a submit button. Based on that I have a subscription search-card with an object as unique argument (the search, ex: {name: “foobar”}) who return all matching cards on database.


Template.CardSearchForm.onCreated(function() {
  let instance = this
  instance.name_field = new ReactiveVar(null)

  instance.autorun(function() {
    let name = instance.name_field.get()
    if (name) {
      Meteor.subscribe('', {name: name}, {
        onReady: function() {
          console.log("Search " + name + " is ready: ", Card.find({}).count())

When the form is submitted, I update the ReactiveVar to trigger autorun:{
  'submit form.card-search-form': function(e, instance) {
    console.log("Submit: " + $('.search-field[name="name"]').val())


Meteor.publish('', function (search) {
  console.log("New publication search : ", search)
  let query = {name: {$regex:".*" + + ".*"}}
  console.log("New publication query : ", query)
  console.log(Card.find(query).count() + " cards found")

  return Card.find(query)

----- Working Result -----

At this point everything is working good, I receive all selected cards, see logs (For requesting “Mountain” and “Forest”):


New publication serch :  { name: 'Mountain' }
New publication query :  { name: { '$regex': '.*Mountain.*' } }
New publication:  12 cards found
New publication serch :  { name: 'Forest' }
New publication query :  { name: { '$regex': '.*Forest.*' } }
New publication:  7 cards found


Submit: Mountain
Search Mountain is ready:  12
Submit: Forest
Search Forest is ready:  19     // 12 + 7 ==> OK

----- The problem -----

Now I’ll just update the publication and add a RegExp()

query = {name: { $in:[new RegExp(".*" + + ".*", "i")]}}
And the logs show cards are also found but the client didn’t receive new documents from updated search.


New publication serch :  { name: 'Mountain' }
New publication query :  { name: { '$in': [ /.*Mountain.*/i ] } }
New publication:  12 cards found
New publication serch :  { name: 'Forest' }
New publication query :  { name: { '$in': [ /.*Forest.*/i ] } }
New publication:  8 cards found   // 1 more because `i` case insensitive


Submit: Mountain
Search Mountain is ready:  12 
Submit: Forest
Search Forest is ready:  12  // No new cards.. :(

Sorry for this long post… I block so much hours on it.

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I’ve duplicated this and can’t find an existing issue recorded. It looks like minimongo should accept this (and it’s not throwing an error, so I guess it’s happy). That leaves the observers and/or mergebox as the culprit(s).

I don’t have time to look any deeper into this, so I suggest you log an issue with a minimal reproduction. If you don’t have one, I have one based on your code, which could be used with a little tweaking.