Publication not Working

I’m a bit of a noob and having a bit of trouble getting my publications to work. In my data, I have a number of patients and would like to show the data of a single patient. This is how I have structured my publication:

Meteor.publish('patients.single', function (patientId) {
    check(patientId, String);
    return Patients.find({_id: patientId});

and this is how I have subscribed:

Router.route('/patients/:_id', {
    layoutTemplate: 'ApplicationLayout',
    yieldRegions: {
        'single_patient': {to: 'content'}
    subscriptions: function () {
    return Meteor.subscribe('patients.single', this.params._id);

I have also tried to subscribe via the actual template onCreated using this.subscribe('patient.single, patientId) to no avail.

Publications seem easy in theory, but I just can’t seem to get them right. What am I doing wrong here?

In onCreated, where do you get the patientId from?
You would normally set it in ‘data’ from the router

Router.route('/patients/:_id', {
    layoutTemplate: 'ApplicationLayout',
    yieldRegions: {
        'single_patient': {to: 'content'}
    data: function(){
            return {pattientid: this.params._id}

subscription would be like


Alternative, which should be the easiest, is to change your function name ‘subscriptions’ to ‘waitOn’ in the router

I’ve tried both solutions but neither seems to be working.

Just to recap where I am now, this is my publish:

Meteor.publish('patients.single', function (patientId) {
    check(patientId, String);
    return Patients.find({_id: patientId});

And this is my route (using iron-router):

Router.route('/patients/:_id', {
    layoutTemplate: 'ApplicationLayout',
    yieldRegions: {
        'patientsSingle': { to: 'content' }
    waitOn: function () {
        return Meteor.subscribe('patients.single', this.params._id);

And this is my subscription:

    patient: function () {
        return Patients.find({_id: Session.get('currentPatient')});

Which I then go ahead to use like this:

{{#with patient}}
   {{ profile.surname }}, {{ profile.first_name }} {{ profile.middle_name }}

Is this what you meant?