Publications + Check errors, without killing meteor


The meteor documentation shows how to use check within a publication (see example below).
However, it is my understanding that if the check fails an error is thrown which can kill the nodejs process. This is a super easy way to attack a meteor app. Just send arguments to a publication that does not pass check.

So how do you properly use check in a publication?
E.g. If a malicious user sends roomId of type number, check will throw an error, killing meteor.

Meteor.publish('roomAndMessages', function (roomId) {
  check(roomId, String);

  return [
    Rooms.find({ _id: roomId }, {
      fields: { secretInfo: 0 }
    Messages.find({ roomId })

Is this a robust approach to use check, without killing your app?:

Meteor.publish('roomAndMessages', function (roomId) {
  try {
  check(roomId, String);

  return [
    Rooms.find({ _id: roomId }, {
      fields: { secretInfo: 0 }
    Messages.find({ roomId })
  } catch (e) {

The node process isn’t killed by match. If you do nothing to catch the error, it’s sent to the client as a Meteor.Error(400, 'Match Failed').

If you choose to catch the error yourself, you can do what you want with it.

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Noted, thank you Rob

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