Publications with Relations

I recently added the lepozepo:publish-with-relations package to my project and I am trying to publish a shopping cart.

The Publish JS is
` Meteor.publish(“cart”, function(ops) {
if (ops == null) {
ops = {};

if (ops.cotizacion && !_.isEmpty(ops.cotizacion)) {
collection: Cotizaciones,
filter: {
_id: ops.cotizacion,
status: “new”
mappings: [
key: “cotizacion”,
collection: CotDetails,
options: {
limit: 25
mappings: [
foreign_key: “codigo”,
collection: Productos


and the subscribe is

Template.CotIzq.onCreated(function() {
var self;
self = this;
return self.autorun(function() {
return self.subscribe(‘cart’);

If I add the autopublish package I can see the publication. So I know the problem is here