Publish Composite and Fulltext

Hey folks,
I’m just having problems with publishing a fulltext search. This is my code

Meteor.publishComposite("search", function(value) {

return {
find: function() {
    return Questions.find({$text: {$search: value}}, {
        fields: {
            score: {$meta: "textScore"}
        sort: {
            score: {$meta: "textScore"}
        limit: 30
    }, {transform: null});

This seems not to work properly, because if I do a Questions.find() in my browser console, I see questions, but without the needes scores. The normal Meteor.publish function works without problems. I would use it, but need to subscribe to every user who creates a question, so finally I have something like this:

Meteor.publishComposite("search", function(value) {

return {
    find: function() {
        return Questions.find({$text: {$search: value}}, {
            fields: {
                score: {$meta: "textScore"}
            sort: {
                score: {$meta: "textScore"}
            limit: 30
    children: [{
        find: function(question) {
            return Meteor.users.find({_id:question.userId});

Are there any workarounds for this issue?

This should work so there must be something else happening in your app that’s preventing this. Here’s a really quick example showing this working:

a) meteor create publish-composite-score

b) Package adjustments:

meteor remove insecure
meteor remove autopublish
meteor add check
meteor add reywood:publish-composite

c) Replace the contents of publish-composite-score.js with:

Questions = new Mongo.Collection('questions');

if (Meteor.isClient) {
  Template.body.onCreated(function onCreated() {
    const filter = 'another';
    const handle = this.subscribe('questions', filter);
    Tracker.autorun(() => {
      if (handle.ready()) {

if (Meteor.isServer) {

  Meteor.startup(() => {
    if (Questions.find().count() === 0) {
        content: 'This is a question.'
        content: 'This is another question.'

    content: 'text'

  Meteor.publishComposite('questions', function questions(filter) {
    check(filter, String);
    return {
      find() {
        return Questions.find({
          $text: {
            $search: filter
        }, {
          fields: {
            score: {
              $meta: 'textScore'
          sort: {
            score: {
              $meta: 'textScore'
          limit: 30
        }, {
          transform: null


d) When running the app, in your console you will see (includes score):

Have you ensured that you have created a text index?

You are right, it’s Astronomy. I need to define score as a field:

 score: {

I’m just wondering why the normal Meteor.publish() doesn’t need that.