Publishing collections two levels deep using publish-with-relations

For the application I am building right now, I would like to publish items from three collections given the id for one collection. With the following setup, the “primary” and the “secondary” collections are published, but not the last one.

My aim is to build something like a social log, whereby multiple logs exist for one user. Therefore, I have created a collection called CAS_Activities. For each activity, the user should have the possibility to upload entries including texts and/or files (stored by cfs-package). Those should be stored in the collection CAS_Entry. It includes a field called file which contains the id for a FS.Collection used to store assets. CAS_Activities includes a string of ids to the corresponding entries.

Here is my setup (unnecessary infos removed)


Images = new FS.Collection('profile_images', {
    stores: [new FS.Store.FileSystem('profile_images', {path: '/Users/nicklehmann/Desktop/managebac2/uploads'})]


CAS_Entry.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
	description: {
		type: String,
		optional: true
	file: {
		type: String,
		optional: true,
		autoform: {
		  afFieldInput: {
		    type: "cfs-file",
		    collection: "Images"


CAS_Activities.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
        entries: {
		type: [String],
		optional: true

By now, my publish statement looks like this

Meteor.publish('cas_entries_of_activity_complete', function(activity_id) {
	return Meteor.publishWithRelations({
		handle: this,
		collection: CAS_Activities,
		filter: activity_id,
		mappings: [
				collection: CAS_Entry,
				key: 'entries',
				mappings: [
						collection: Images,
						key: 'file'

Subscribing is handled by an autorun block which is called when the template is rendered. The reason for that is, that this way enables me to make my subscription dependent on a reactive variable, the activity_id inside the url.


Template.cas_activity.onCreated(function() {
  var instance = this;
  instance.autorun(function() {
	  var id = FlowRouter.getParam('activity_id');
	  console.log('get sub for id: ' + id);
	  instance.subscribe('cas_entries_of_activity_complete', id, function() {
          console.log('subscription ready');

That’s the setup which I have so far. Again, publishing the activity and the entries works, but none of the images are available on the client.

Thank you a lot for any hints.