Push Notification FCM on Meteor 2021

I am currently have a system which implements raix:push package on the server side.
We are planning to move to FCM for relying on Firebase for sending notifications on the client side for Android and iOS.

It seems like there is just one package that do that work:

but beside that is there any other implementation or package that I can take a look?

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Hi there, I am the auth … ok the author originally was RAIX. I am the upgrader and maintainer of this package and as far as I know, there is no other package that does this job. There are options to integrate with other techs like OneSignal as described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDMQ15TWDRU but with a 3rd party you have the issue of privacy. If you go for a third party I’d suggest to first clarify privacy with your Push service provider.
As far as the above package is concerned, I have no reasons to believe that it will miss support in the next 2-3 years because I write on two different products that needs it and will use it in the future.



I am looking forward to work with this library. Quick question? Is there a Meteor group on Slack? Or there is any discord channel where people can discuss or ask related question to Meteor?

I was planning to work on a library all by myself, but I think it is better to be a contributor.

Let me know your thoughts.

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I think you are already in that group you ask about which is … this forum.

raix.push does work with FCM. Though it is no longer maintained

I am using it on my app and it works with meteor 1.12.

raix:push is deprecated and I think it never worked with the FCM technology and it could be that moving from GCM to FCM is what killed this package since very few people knew the insides: https://github.com/raix/push/blob/df45b9eb80d34599d70b24a6e215d4a6b168ae83/lib/server/push.api.js#L302

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much.

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Meteor community slack workspace with nearly 500 community members is here: https://join.slack.com/t/meteor-community/shared_invite/enQtODA0NTU2Nzk5MTA3LWY5NGMxMWRjZDgzYWMyMTEyYTQ3MTcwZmU2YjM5MTY3MjJkZjQ0NWRjOGZlYmIxZjFlYTA5Mjg4OTk3ODRiOTc


I am just starting a project where I need to implement push notifications. How is it going for you? Still on it?

Hi. It was done a few months ago. There are a few bugs on the current library that are related to new updates in terms of push notifications. But mostly of the hard work is done for you. Feel free to post any questions / issues that you have.

raix:push is now under community maintenance:

I won’t consider this package as updated.
All the new updates are Readme.MD related. But you can take look.

I will check it out, but I am still struggling with my android setup (ios setup was super easy, but I’ve spent all of yesterday trying to get the android emulator to work and I got it to start the app but it doesn’t seem to connect to the server (no Hot Code Push), even though the browser in the emulator got access to my dev server.

Hmm, downloading raix:push on atmosphere returns 4.0.0 but the meteor-community repo is at 3.0.2

I had the same problem. but if you check the last commits there is not too much difference.

What type of error are you having on Android using fcm?

I have not even got the frigging Android emulator to run properly. I finally got to the point where the emulator starts the app, but it does not seem to connect to the dev server (no hot code push either). The emulator’s chrome browser can connect to the dev-server and displays the web content, though.

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By default webview of android app blocks connection. You need to make sure in your mobile-config.js you allow this.

   <edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
       <application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"></application>

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Oh thanks. It’s working now.

This information should definately go into the guide (now that I knew what to look for I found it in the api documentation, but it’s really easy to miss).

I am at a point now where I think I should be able to send push notifications with activitree:push but it’s failing without logging any errors.