Push payload collection data to meteor


Currently I am developing a solution to push payload collection data to meteor. In my current state the Server already returns JSON data to the client when rendering a route. The data is in the following format:

  myCollection: [
      _id: 'document-id',

When I know do a MyCollection.findOne() of course the client returns undefined because I dont do a subscription on client side. So its understandable why its undefined. But my goal is that Meteor now has a document on client without doing a subscription.

So I am looking for a client side method which would get executed before Meteor.startup and would be like:

Meteor.addCollectionPayloadData('myCollection', [{
      _id: 'document-id',

Something like this. I hope you understand what I am looking for. What would be the Meteor-Way to solve this?

I am now using https://github.com/abecks/meteor-fast-render. Works perfect and was easy to get it work.