PWA at various app stores

Play Store, Windows Desktop Microsoft Store, Ubuntu Touch OpenStore:

Adding PWA icon to iOS, Windows etc:


PWA topic was mentioned today at this podcast:

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The above PWA apps are done using just Meteor app URL, so PWA app actually is just a fullscreen webbrowser. This means downloading clientside bundle more often.

Another way is to store clientside bundle partially to mobile app itself, making possible faster user experience. This can be done with Meteor Cordova related features for Android and iOS:

But, in some cases, using Cordova based app may require uploading new app version to mobile stores.

Many companies have moved from having much code at app (like Cordova) to only having start page URL style apps, because it makes mobile app size much smaller, making possible downloading app faster. Many have also optimized client bundle size to be smaller, so that app loads faster. This can be seen at website:

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Is local cacheing not enough? I have very satisfying starting times with PWA support for skeletons out-of-the-box · meteor/meteor · Discussion #12980 · GitHub

In that worker I implemented the “cacheFirstStrategyCaching” being inspired by some Google PWA tools if I remember right.


Is local cacheing not enough? I have very satisfying starting times with PWA support for skeletons out-of-the-box · meteor/meteor · Discussion #12980 · GitHub

In that worker I implemented the “cacheFirstStrategyCaching” being inspired by some Google PWA tools if I remember right and added HMR in the mix.

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I did not know that is possible. Thanks a lot ! I’ll try it.

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@storyteller you showed last time PWA builder on GitHub, what is your experience with it? From what I understand it helps to optimize the website for pwa (seemingly better than lighthouse does) and to publish in various apps tires. Is that correct?

I used it as an analysis tool to see what additional features I can add. I will play a bit more with it today to see if I can use it to add some more features.

At iOS 17 beta, for EU users, Apple is breaking manually added PWA icons ability to be fullscreen, some PWA keeping data stored clientside, etc.

When I tried at iPhone the newest iOS 17 developer beta (with PWA icon like PWA wekan wiki page mentioned above), when clicing left at URL bar, there is option “Hide toolbar”. It hides bottom toolbar of Safari, but there is at top lock icon and URL of PWA app, it is not all fullscreen anymore.

More info here:

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Apple does this constantly. One of the main reasons why I don’t care to do any optimization for their platform beyond the cheapest and easiest things.

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""To comply with the DMA’s requirements, we had to remove the Home Screen web apps feature in the EU.

-“Very low user adoption of Home Screen web apps”
-“Minimal impact to their functionality”"


EU regulation: All browser engines must have the same access to features in iOS

Apple: To follow the regulation, all browser engines will have no access to PWA features (same access including safari)

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I’ve been really happy when they released Push notifications to PWA :)))) How naive I was …


Looks like Apple banned all PWA in Europe :cry:

I need to go back to some reading about “framing” a website into a Cordova app. Unless you need specific hardware APIs, I guess a PWA could easily be turned into a Cordova app.
I remember some things would need to change such as the way the viewport is measured, how you open external links (use a inapp browser), IOS might force you to some native interactions such as confirmation popups, login with social, UX adjustments (no home page)
Europe population is +700M and if a project is for global you can’t say … yeah but it is just Europe…
Funny to put it that way but I guess the fallback for PWA is Cordova, while all the time I used to think the other way around.

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From PWA to stores.

The development world is fighting back against Apple’s decision. Here is a survey where you can be part of this push-back.


Tim wants to hear from you:


Apparently, international dev community wins: iOS 17.4 won't remove Home Screen web apps in the EU after all - 9to5Mac