Well, start by installing PM2 on your server. There are several tutorials out there for that. I use Ubuntu 16.04 with nginx and pm2. You can use Amazon, Digital Ocean, or any other VPS provider. Try to get a barebones Node app running on it.
Once that’s working, install PM2-Meteor on your client, fill in the pm2-meteor.json file and pm2-meteor deploy to your server.
pm2-meteor simply builds and bundles your meteor app locally, and then sends that bundle to your server, unpacks it, and lets PM2 take it from there.
PM2 takes care of running, monitoring and logging. It restarts your meteor app in case of crash or server reboot,…
I’m using ssh keys without passphrases to login to the servers. Username/passwords are not permitted for security.
Have you set up passwordless, key-based ssh login on your server?
If it’s a Ubuntu server, try something like SSH setup. Make sure to set no passphrase, certainly in the beginning.
Once you can connect in the terminal without password, it might be good for security to disable password logins alltogether ( disable-password-authentication-in-ssh ).
Try putting your pm2-meteor.json file in your meteor folder( the one with package.json and all other stuff, Backend I guess), and try running the pm2-meteor deploy command from there, not from a different folder. pm2-meteor will create a tempory subfolder, and will clean up afterwards.