HI everyone,
I’m looking to install all the dependencies from a project using a pre-release of Meteor from scratch
For the stable versions there is no problem as bundle archives are provided for them (i.e. https://d3sqy0vbqsdhku.cloudfront.net/packages-bootstrap/1.2.1/meteor-bootstrap-os.linux.x86_64.tar.gz
What I want to do is for instance,
- I clone a project with .meteor/release which equals ‘1.2.2-faster-rebuilds.0’.
- I have no meteor distribution installed
- I don’t want to run the install script by running ‘curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh’ and then running meteor which will redownload the pre-release the project requires.
Is there a way to achieve this, another script somewhere or by downloading directly the meteor-tools in a different manner?
Thanks for your answers.