Raix:push android configuration

I’ trying to configure the plugin for android but I’m not sure what all the
options acctually are.

On the server I need to find “apiKey” and “projectnumber”

  • Where do I find that, firebase console?

Also a hint how I make .pem for certData, keyData and passphrase

  apn: {
    certData: Assets.getText('apnDevCert.pem'),
    keyData: Assets.getText('apnDevKey.pem'),
    passphrase: 'xxxxxxxxx',
    production: true,
    //gateway: 'gateway.push.apple.com',
  gcm: {
    apiKey: 'abc-123',
    projectNumber: 111111111111


Server key = apiKey
Sender ID = projectNumber

Thanks. That really solved that part.

When creating a private key under service accounts I get a .json downloded but
what fields do I need to fill this part?

  apn: {
    certData: Assets.getText('apnDevCert.pem'),
    keyData: Assets.getText('apnDevKey.pem'),
    passphrase: 'xxxxxxxxx',
    production: true

Sorry, I haven’t gotten to iOS yet, only made the Android version.

Android is what I’m doing aswell.
Are you saying that that part is for ios only? =)

Yup, “apn” means “Apple Network” or something like that, that’s where you put your Apple authentication stuff. For Android you’re good to go :slight_smile:

I’m such a winner, thanks for clearing that out for me