Re-using computation objects generated in Tracker.autorun? Suggesting a new function for Tracker

I’m currently working on an integration of jsTree into Meteor as a Blaze template. The data source is a Mongo collection. jsTree loads the content node by node using a function. The code looked like this before:

Template.TreeView_content.onRendered(function() {
  let dataContext = Template.currentData();
  let collection = dataContext.collection;

  // Function to retrieve child nodes
  function getNodes(parent) {
    return collection.find({parent}).map( (item) => { = item._id;
      item.text =;
      Tracker.nonreactive(function() {
        item.children = collection.find({parent: item._id}).count() > 0;
      delete item.parent;
      return item;

  Tracker.autorun(function(computation) {
    if (computation.firstRun) {
        core: {
          data: function(node, callback) {

            // This function is called, when a node is opened 

            if ( === '#') {
            } else {
    } else {

You see the getNodes() function, which is called, when the tree is initialized (all folders are closed), and afterwards, when the user opens a folder, to load the child nodes.

This works quite well – until a change in the database happens. This change is not shown, except for the root node. Why? Only the first getNodes() call is reactive, afterwards is false.

To overcome this, I created a new function:

  // function inspired from tracker.js
  function useComputation(c, f) {
    let savedComputation = Tracker.currentComputation;
    Tracker.currentComputation = c; = !! c;


    Tracker.currentComputation = savedComputation; = !! savedComputation;

and call it from the data function:

  data: function(node, callback) {

    // The computation is reused to trigger only one refresh of the
    // complete tree.

    useComputation(computation, function() {
      if ( === '#') {
      } else {

Finally, this works well for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t find a solution, where I may not set Tracker.currentComputation directly.

So, I suggest to implement this contrary of Tracker.nonreactive directly as part of the Tracker. I’m able to provide a PR, but I wanted to ask the community first.