Honestly, all the Meteor 1.3 tutorials (not just the React one) are much worse than the 1.2 tutorials. I really think they need some attention, as the tutorials are more aligned with the Meteor Guide, rather than an actual “tutorial”.
The old tutorials used to show you the magic right away, and have an app up and running in a very short time with very little typing, and clearly showed you why you should choose Meteor above other platforms.
The new ones don’t really show much magic, don’t really put you in a situation where you are “learning what they are teaching” rather they assume past experience (and even users such as myself with past experience question the methods used in the tutorial), they require much more typing to get the same result in the end, and don’t really emphasize the best parts of Meteor.
The old Meteor tutorials communicated to readers “Meteor is so pleasurable to use, we can teach you how to do all this in minutes, and it has some amazing functionality for the little work you have to do!” I felt like after the short tutorial I was able to do most of the things I needed to do in my business applications.
The new Meteor tutorials communicate “Long-term, this is what your project can look like. Look at what Meteor 1.3 is capable of, and let us highlight these new features that came with 1.3! Look, ES2015! Look, modules! See how much Meteor has changed!”. After the tutorial, you have an idea of what you can do, but it is still a puzzle as to why you would even design your app this way…
This is why I feel it’s far more aligned with the Meteor guide, and not really a “tutorial”. It seems as if they went far out of the way to show the differences of 1.2-1.3 in the tutorial, so it looks like it is catered more for past users of Meteor, rather than designing something that is supposed to be the “new users first Meteor app”. And if that was the inspiration behind it, it doesn’t really do that well imo, because it’s hard to notice how much of it is an improvement over 1.2. It doesn’t really highlight 1.3’s best additions, so it makes me question why they changed the tutorials to this format at all.
I’ve said many times on here, I had employees that joined my project right after 1.3 came out, and the 1.3 tutorial is NOT suitable for new users! It confused them more than it helped.
I had to take the time to teach them myself, considering DiscoverMeteor is for older Meteor versions, and the official tutorials are no longer suitable.