React crash when starting application (probably my fault)

I’m working with meteor and react in some applications on my computer, but it appear I cannot create a new one. Here’s what I do :

➜  projects  meteor create helloworld
Created a new Meteor app in 'helloworld'.

To run your new app:
  cd helloworld

➜  projects  cd helloworld
➜  helloworld  meteor
[[[[[ ~/projects/helloworld ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.
=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

Ok, everything is working. But then, I add react, and here’s what I get :

➜  helloworld  meteor add react
Changes to your project's package version selections:
coffeescript        added, version 1.0.11
cosmos:browserify   added, version 0.8.4
jsx                 added, version 0.2.3
react               added, version 0.14.1_1
react-meteor-data   added, version 0.2.3
react-runtime       added, version 0.14.1_1
react-runtime-dev   added, version 0.14.1
react-runtime-prod  added, version 0.14.1
react: Everything you need to use React with Meteor.
➜  helloworld  meteor
[[[[[ ~/projects/helloworld ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
W20151124-23:39:20.353(1)? (STDERR)
W20151124-23:39:20.354(1)? (STDERR) /Users/fabienhuet/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
W20151124-23:39:20.354(1)? (STDERR) 						throw(ex);
W20151124-23:39:20.354(1)? (STDERR) 						      ^
W20151124-23:39:20.416(1)? (STDERR) ReferenceError: postGetData is not defined
W20151124-23:39:20.416(1)? (STDERR)     at Object.require.react/lib/getEventModifierState (../../../../../projects/helloworld/react/lib/getEventModifierState:1:1)
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at s (../../../cosmos_browserify/.
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at ../../../cosmos_browserify/.
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at Object.require.react/lib/SyntheticMouseEvent../SyntheticUIEvent (../../../../../projects/helloworld/react/lib/SyntheticMouseEvent:18:1)
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at s (../../../cosmos_browserify/.
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at ../../../cosmos_browserify/.
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at Object.require.react/lib/EnterLeaveEventPlugin../EventConstants (../../../../../projects/helloworld/react/lib/EnterLeaveEventPlugin:17:1)
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at s (../../../cosmos_browserify/.
W20151124-23:39:20.417(1)? (STDERR)     at ../../../cosmos_browserify/.
W20151124-23:39:20.418(1)? (STDERR)     at Object.<anonymous> (../../../../../projects/helloworld/react/lib/node_modules/react/lib/ReactDefaultInjection.js:18:1)
=> Exited with code: 8

Any lead ?

Waoh… One of my previously working project stopped working after a meteor reset. And it went back working when I restored the .meteor/local/plugin-cache/ folder.

It appears that the only thing I have to restore are the 4 .cache files in the .meteor/local/plugin-cache/cosmos_browserify/0.8.3/ folder and that I’m not able to build them properly now.

I made a full reset of node and all my npm packages with no result.

There was mention of a new meteor update having a bug - can’t find the post now unfortunately - can any on verify this? That may be the problem?