React.createClass or export default class MyGriddler extends React.Component?

When creating a React component, do I use:



export default class MyGriddler extends React.Component

They’re both different ways of creating a component.

If you’re using the old style you can export it as default with:

export default React.createClass(...)

If you’re using the new ES2015 class style you’d use:

export default class MyGriddler extends React.Component

Essentially they’re different ways of doing the same thing. There’s also a third way which looks like this:

export default (props) =>

My advice would be to stick to the last way (functional/stateless), but fall back to the 2nd way (class-based) if you require your component to have internal state.

Here is a medium post that explains the different styles in more detail:

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You preempted my next question - excellent - thanks.