React DevTools in 1.3 Beta not working

Both which is beta 11
and which is beta 8

show a ‘waiting for roots to load …’ in the Chrome React Devtools.
and don’t show the components.

DevTools work fine in ‘regular’ React projects

Is this a known problem with the Beta’s?

I don’t know what you mean by regular react project, but I’ve ran from beta3-11 using chrome stable/unstable on ubuntu with react 0.14.1-0.14.7 fine.

I mean my non Meteor projects don’t have the problem I see with the React dev tools.
I just added the Chrome Redux tools and now the React tool is working…
Very strange … but I’m happy!
I’m on OSX … not sure it matters.

That is very strange indeed, but I’ve been having frustrating issue with chrome sourcemaps working intermittently and also with react dnd not working on chrome stable.

For the moment, I’ve switched over to firefox but that doesn’t have redux devtools… can’t win here.