React + Flash Messages?

I recently made the change from blaze to React and It’s fine so far however, I am unsure how to implement flash messages in react. In blaze i was using this package: . I’m praying I won’t have to create flash messages myself.

Any pointers or tips on how I can convert this package over to react? Or on how I can make my own flash messages. ( I was thinking of a client side collection that expires after several seconds but I couldn’t quite pull off the expiring part).


Here’s Nova’s flash message code:

const Messages = {
  // Local (client-only) collection
  collection: new Meteor.Collection(null),

  flash(content, type) {
    type = (typeof type === 'undefined') ? 'error': type;
    // Store errors in the local collection
    this.collection.insert({content:content, type:type, seen: false, show:true});

  markAsSeen(messageId) {
    this.collection.update(messageId, {$set: {seen:true}});

  clearSeen() {
    this.collection.update({seen:true}, {$set: {show:false}}, {multi:true});

Which goes together with a FlashContainer container to get the data:

const FlashContainer = React.createClass({

  mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
  getMeteorData() {
    return {
      messages: Messages.collection.find({show: true}).fetch()

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="flash-messages">
        {, index) => <Flash key={index} message={message} />)}


And a Flash component to display an individual message:

const Flash = React.createClass({

  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    return (
      <div className={`flash-message page-message page-message--${this.props.message.type}`}>
        <div className="page-message__text">{this.props.message.content}</div>

(I left out import/export module stuff)

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Thanks! I got this to work with inspiration from your method. I did it as follows:

FlashContainer = React.createClass({
    mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
        return {
            flashes: Flashes.collection.find({show: true}).fetch()
    render() {
        if ( == 0){
            return (
                    {, index){
                        return (
                            <div key={index}>
                                <Flash id={x._id} content={x.content} />


Then I did this

Flashes = {
  collection: new Meteor.Collection(null),

  flash(content, type) {
    type = (typeof type === 'undefined') ? 'error': type;
    this.collection.insert({content:content, type:type, seen: false, show:true});

Then to make each one with a fade out i did this

Flash = React.createClass({
	componentDidMount() {
	  $("#" +;
	render() {
	  return (
	      <h1 id={}>

I didn’t need the mark as read status part. It was a bit overkill. Hopefully this helps anyone after me!

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A link to Nova's flash message code or something showing the imports and exports would be nice. It’s much easier to figure out what goes where with those included.

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