React, flow router get params and react containers

How do I get the params of a route inside a react component
Im using react containers from the react composer package
if this is the whole route

How do I get only


and store its value in a variable inside a react component.
Ive tried to use

FlowRouter.getParam() but it doesnt work. I keep getting undefined

  import React from 'react';

   export default class ReadProjectMetaLayout extends React.Component {
             render() {
                     var category = FlowRouter.getQueryParam();
              return (
                        <h4>Hello World</h4>

this is the route

  FlowRouter.route("/ReadProjectMeta/:_id", {
    name: 'project.meta',
    action(params) {
      mount(ReadProjectMetaLayoutContainer, {
        components: (<ReadProjectMeta  _id={params._id}/>)

What could be the problem and gow do I solve it

Try switching from FlowRouter.getQueryParam to FlowRouter.getParam instead:

const category = FlowRouter.getParam('_id');

You can pass both params from the router as props for the react component:

 FlowRouter.route("/ReadProjectMeta/:_id", {
    name: 'project.meta',
    action(params, queryParams) {
      mount(ReadProjectMetaLayoutContainer, {
        components: (<MyComponent  _id={params._id} category={queryParams.category}/>)

params are path-params, whereas queryParams are url-params, e.g. in the url …/ReadProjectMeta/12341234?category=mycategory

12341234 would be params._id and mycategory would be in queryParams.category.

FlowRouter.getQueryParam and FlowRouter.getParam can also return these values and are reactive data-sources. They therefore need to be in a reactive context like in a createContainer-call or in the older getMeteorData-Mixin (or in any helper in blaze), but in your example, it is best to pass the params from the router as props to the component like described above.

Try console.log(this.props._id); in your component instead of displaying it through FlowRouter. If you want to stick to the router method then don’t forget to import it in your .jsx file, like so import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';