React-Mounter and React Component syntax

I was looking at how to use React-Mounter along with FlowRouter for my application. In the react-mounter readme is the following snippet:

const MainLayout = ({content}) => (
        This is our header

How is this valid syntax for a component? All of my react components look like this:

export default class MyAwesomeReactComponent extends Component {
 	render() {
 		return (
 			<Something />

Can someone explain this? Also, where would I define {content} in my example?

In your case, it would be {this.props.content}.

This is a new syntax for React components:

Well, heres my confusion:

Iā€™m trying to use Material-ui which requires a <MuiThemeProvider> at your root layout. So here is my App.jsx:

export default class App extends Component {
 	render() {
 		return (
			    <MyAwesomeReactComponent />

if I then have a route:

FlowRouter.route( '/', {
  name: 'home',
  action() {
    // We'll render our components here.
    mount(App, {
      main: <Header />

I cant use {this.props.main} inside the <MuiThemeProvider> because it only takes 1 child.

But, lets say the main application contents is in <MyAwesomeReactComponent />:

export default class MyAwesomeReactComponent extends Component {
 	render() {
 		return (
 			<div className="container">
				<Header />
				<NavTabs />
				{/* dynamic main content */}

then change the route to:

FlowRouter.route( '/', {
  name: 'home',
  action() {
    // We'll render our components here.
    mount(MyAwesomeReactComponent, {
      main: <WhateverComponent />

then <App /> wouldnt get rendered and there for no more <MuiThemeProvider>.

So what am I missing?

export default class App extends Component {
 	render() {
 		return (
                              <MyAwesomeReactComponent content={this.props.main} />

also i recommend using stateless components (just functions), when they have no state.

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