Hello everyone!
I’m excited to be with you all on this great Meteor Raft on the journey into a future of efficient & fun programming!
Whilst dinging about in a project of us, we came about the following requirement:
We have a perfectly fine Meteor Project with perfectly fine data for a new / different Frontend-App.
As these things go, we use some special tools ( Framer X) which don’t play well with the meteor build system (I suppose) - we basically want to be able to create a lean React app / Client Side Only App which then can connect using eg. ddp (https://www.npmjs.com/package/ddp) and then subscribe + follow the data as it updates and changes.
The thing is, is there an easy way to get either Minimongo to play nice with the DDP Package and grab the data in a comfortable way?
-> By further looking at npmjs.com I stumbled about this package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@socialize/react-native-meteor which looks like it could do the work! We’ll check that out for sure.
But otherwise, does anybody have any experience with a lean client + connecting to a Meteor Server including Pub/Sub + nice client-side data management, for react or otherwise?
I’ll post this anyway as I probably / hopefully found my solution by myself, but maybe it can help someone else whilst looking for answers.
Have a great day!