[react] {reactive: false} returns undefined

I have a simple case

 getMeteorData() {
    const query = {slug: this.props.params.slug};
    const blog = Blog.findOne(query, {reactive: false});
    return {

returns undefined

is this expected?

If I use {reactive: true} or omit the options completely, it returns the doc as expected.

in getMeteorData() it is expected that data is reactive, which makes sense.

non-reactive data should be called elsewhere in the component, such as the render() function.

[The guide][1] does infer this

getMeteorData will reactively rerun when the accessed data changes


Warning: render() is not reactive

While it’s not explict, but this goose-chase was of my own making… i should have RFTM
[1]: http://react-in-meteor.readthedocs.org/en/latest/meteor-data/